1999-2020 Kentucky Wildcats Tournament Run
I have a feeling about this team and this year. My friends and family would tell you I
have said that every year since Cal has been, here, but this year, I really do.
I want to document the rest of the year starting with the Auburn game, if nothing else
but for something for me to look back on a few years from now. I have a feeling this year
we will hang #9. I understand that the ball has to bounce your way, and that anybody can
get hot during the tournament. But this team is special. They are good kids, they play
hard, and if they can continue to play togehter, and if EJ Montgomery keeps playing with
the fire and emotion he has been playing with, I think this may be the year!
KENTUCKY AT AUBURN Saturday February 29th
I think this was over all one of the best games of the year. High energy and focus and they passed the ball well, and looked like they were having fun. Auburn is an excellent team, maybe the 2nd best in the conference.